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📦 Packaging your Project with

When working with a project structure like this where supporting code resides in folders at the same level as the src or notebooks folder, you will not be able to import sub-modules from the helpers folder into the main/entrypoint code in the src folder even though it contains file indicating that it can be used as a module.

For example, let us say you have a file named under helpers folder
import numpy as np

def test_numpy():
    print("Using Numpy")
    a = np.array([10, 20])
    print("Array: ", a)

and you are trying to use this in your code under the src folder
from helpers import helper


When you run the code from the project root python src/, you will be greeted with the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src/", line 1, in <module>
    from helpers import helper
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helpers'

This can be resolved by utilizing in your project.

Here's a step-by-step guide to achieving this:

  1. 📂 Open the file provided in the template. At very basic level, it looks like this:
    from setuptools import find_packages, setup
  2. ✏️ Update the name variable in to match the root folder name of your project. This step ensures your project is properly identified.

  3. 🖥️ Open the terminal or Command Prompt (CMD) and navigate to the project directory. Ensure you are in the root folder of your project and your project's virtual environment is active.

    • 🤔 If you have doubts regarding virtual environment activation, refer to the project setup section for detailed instructions tailored to your specific operating system.

    • 😎 An file is already present in the helpers folder. The presence of this file allows the helpers folder to function as a module that can be accessed from anywhere within the package.

  4. ▶️ Run the following command in your terminal or CMD:

        pipenv install -e .
    • ✅ Ensure you include the . at the end of the command. This command installs your project as a package, granting it importability and enabling you to organize your code in a modular and convenient manner.

    • 🆗 This should automatically add your project as a package to your current virtual environment. You can verify the same in your Pipfile. You should see the following line:

      your-project-name = {editable = true, path = "."}

Once the opertion is complete, now when you try to run the code from the project root python src/, it now will run successfully.

For the above example, it will show you the following output:

Using Numpy
Array:  [10 20]

💡 The file is not limited to this, it is a much more powerful tool that can be leveraged for various other tasks which is a bit out of scope to explain it here.