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πŸš€ Platform-Specific Setup Scripts

  • 🚦 Ready-to-Use Scripts for All Platforms: We have prepared setup scripts for Linux, MacOS, and Windows platforms to ensure that the virtual environment is set up consistently across all platforms. These scripts will save you time and effort in setting up your project.

  • πŸ“¦ Package Installation: To simplify package installation and maintainence, we use pipenv instead of pip. For more details, please refer to the Pipenv documentation.

  • 🌐 Proxy Support: If you work behind a proxy, you may need to configure your proxy url in the .env file that gets generated once you run the setup scripts and pass the relevant argument to the setup script to enable pacakge installation. For more details, check out our documentation on working with .env

  • πŸ—‘οΈ Readme Cleanup: Utilize relevant argument in the setup script to automatically clear the content of template Readme.MD file. More detailed instructions on usage below.

  • πŸ’‘ Virtual Environment: Upon successful execution of the setup script, your terminal will automatically activate a virtual environment named .venv.

Setup script usage

For Linux/MacOS

source [OPTIONS] 

For Windows OS

project_setup.bat [OPTIONS]

Replace [OPTIONS] with any combination of the following supported arguments:

  • --install: Required argument. If nothing is passed, a help message is displayed by default.

  • --install-dev: Use this flag along with --install flag to install development packages.

  • --use-proxy: Use this flag to enable installation of python packages behind proxy.

  • --unset-proxy: Use this flag to disable proxy.

  • --clear-readme: Use this flag to clear the contents of file after setting up the project.

    • πŸ“£ Caution: This should be used only once when you are setting up the project for the first time.
  • --remove-cache: Use this flag to remove pip and pipenv cache files.

    • πŸ’‘ Use this to clear cache files generated during package installation
  • --help: Use this flag to display the help message.

Detailed steps

For setting up the project on these platforms, script has been provided along with some options. Check Setup script usage section for details.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Steps for Linux/MacOS:

  1. Open terminal and navigate to your project directory.

    • If you are setting up the project inside development environment, use:

      source --install --install-dev
      • Incase you are working behind a proxy, use the following command instead:

        source --install --install-dev --use-proxy
    • If you are setting up the project first time using this template, then you should replace contents of the with the name of your project:

      source --clear-readme

      ⚠️ *** Use this command only once in the development environment. DO NOT run this once you write your own readme. ***

    • If you are setting up the project inside production environment, you may only require base packages, use:

      source --install
      • Incase you are working behind a proxy, use the following command instead:

        source --install --use-proxy

    Important Note

    • β›½ If want to install any other package inside this newly created virtual environment, please use the following command:

      pipenv install package_name
    • ❎ If you have configured proxy details in the .env file but later on you are not working behind proxy, you'd get package installation error as by default, pipenv loads all the .env variables, therefore you need to unset the proxy first.

      Use the following command:

      source --unset-proxy

      You should then be able to install packages using pipenv as stated above.

    • ♻️ During package installation, the packages are downloaded and cached. This consumes a lot of disk, hence you should clear pip and pipenv cache from time to time.

      Use the following command:

      source --remove-cache
      This would remove all the cached files during package installation.

    • βœ… To ensure a conflict-free environment setup, it is strongly recommended to always run the script to create a virtual environment for your project.

    • ❗You should run the script ONLY using the source command to ensure that the virtual environment .venv is automatically activated at the end of setup in the current shell session.

    • β›” Ideally, you should see a .venv virtual environment already activated in the terminal. However, if it's not activated, please follow these steps to activate it before installing any package using pipenv:

      1. Open terminal.

      2. Navigate to the project directory.

      3. Activate the virtual environment by running the following command: source .venv/bin/activate. This command will activate the virtual environment and change your prompt to indicate that you're now working within it.

      4. You can now proceed with installing packages using pipenv

For setting up the project on Windows, project_setup.bat script has been provided along with some options.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Steps for Windows:

  1. Open Command Prompt (CMD) and navigate to your project directory.

    • If you are setting up the project inside development environment, use:

      project_setup.bat --install --install-dev
      • Incase you are working behind a proxy, use the following command instead:

        project_setup.bat --install --install-dev --use-proxy
    • If you are setting up the project first time using this template, then you should replace contents of the with the name of your project:

      project_setup.bat --clear-readme

      ⚠️ Use this command only once in the development environment. DO NOT run this once you write your own readme.

    • If you are setting up the project inside production environment, you may only require base packages to be installaed, use:

      project_setup.bat --install
      • Incase you are working behind a proxy, use the following command instead:

        project_setup.bat --install --use-proxy

    Important Note

    • β›½ If want to install any other package inside this newly created virtual environment, please use the following command:

      pipenv install package_name
    • ❎ If you have configured proxy details in the .env file but later on you are not working behind proxy, you'd get package installation error as by default, pipenv loads all the .env variables, therefore you need to unset the proxy first.

      Use the following command:

      project_setup.bat --unset-proxy

      You should then be able to install packages using pipenv as stated above.

    • ♻️ During package installation, the packages are downloaded and cached. This consumes a lot of disk, hence you should clear pip and pipenv cache from time to time.

      Use the following command:

      project_setup.bat --remove-cache
      This would remove all the cached files during package installation.

    • βœ… To ensure a conflict-free environment setup, it is strongly recommended to always run the project_setup.bat script to create a virtual environment for your project.

    • ❗For security reasons, organizations may prevent running .bat scripts on PowerShell. You should run the script ONLY on Command Prompt (CMD) to ensure that everything runs without any errors.

    • β›” Ideally, you should see a .venv virtual environment already activated in the Command Prompt (CMD). However, if it's not activated, please follow these steps to activate it before installing any package using pipenv:

      1. Open the Command Prompt (CMD).
      2. Navigate to the project directory.
      3. Activate the virtual environment by running the following command: .venv\Scripts\Activate. This command will activate the virtual environment and change your prompt to indicate that you're now working within it.

      4. You can now proceed with installing packages using pipenv

πŸŽ₯ Demo

  • πŸŒ„ This demo assumes that you've cloned the project which you created using the Python Machine Learning Template on your machine. For the purposes of this demonstration, we'll refer to this project as Demo Project.

  • πŸƒ The video tutorial will guide you through the necessary steps for setting up your project.